Earlier this month, our production of Deserter was nominated in 5 categories at “The Evies“, the Winnipeg Theatre Awards. We won two: Ray Strachan for Outstanding Supporting Actor and Brenda McLean, jaymez and Emma Hendrix for Outstanding Design. Our other nominations included Arne MacPherson for Outstanding Direction, Jeff Strome as Outstanding Lead Actor and all of us (mostly me?) for Outstanding New Work. And really, the selection of one show or artist over another is pretty subjective, so the nominations are almost as much of an honour as the awards.
I didn’t get to deliver my acceptance speech, but it would have been something like this:
“First, a huge thanks to Joshua and Alexina Key, for sharing their experiences with me so generously and for consulting with me on early drafts of the script. Thanks to all of the artistic and production team who made this show happen: dramaturg Chris Gerrard-Pinker, director Arne MacPherson, the design team, the actors, production manager Brooklyne Alexander, and everyone who worked on, volunteered for, helped publicize the show, and everyone who supported Deserter in the many ways you did – it takes a village to create a show, so thanks for being that village.”
And now I have been nominated – and selected as the recipient of the 2018 Manitoba Human Rights Commitment Award! Which is just such a huge honour. And, again, all I want to do is share this honour, first with Dean Peachey who nominated me, and then with all of you who have supported my work and Moving Target’s work over the years. If you’re reading this right now, there’s a good chance that includes you.

Ahmad Meree and Jeff Strome in Deserter, set design by Brenda McLean, lighting design by jaymez, photo by Mike Sudoma
And other than that, I’m writing my new play, Narrow Bridge, which will premiere at Winnipeg Jewish Theatre!
Thanks for reading,